
  1. Write a function called mergeArrays that combines two arrays into one.

    mergeArrays(['Rattata', 'Raticate'], ['Bulbasaur', 'Ivysaur', 'Venusaur'])
    // returns ["Rattata", "Raticate", "Bulbasaur", "Ivysaur", "Venusaur"]
  1. Tests

    Remember how this works? Create a solution file (like preflight.js) and a test file (like preflight.test.js). Make sure your solution file module.exports an object with all the functions, and your test file requires the solution file and gives the object a name (we use fn in our tests).

    describe('mergeArrays function', () => {
    it('should merge 2 arrays of strings', () => {
    const arr1 = ['Rattata', 'Raticate']
    const arr2 = ['Bulbasaur', 'Ivysaur', 'Venusaur']
    const result = fn.mergeArrays(arr1, arr2)
    it('should merge two arrays of numbers', () => {
    const result = fn.mergeArrays([9, 3, 5], [10])
    expect(result).toEqual([9, 3, 5, 10])
    it('should merge an empty array', () => {
    const result = fn.mergeArrays(['Pikachu', 'Raichu'], [])
    expect(result).toEqual(['Pikachu', 'Raichu'])
  2. Shape

    const mergeArrays = (arr1, arr1) => {}
  3. Explanation

    • You are given array arr1 and array arr2.
    • Use [...a...b] to combine arrays a and b.
    • return new array with arr1 and arr2 in it.
  4. Code

    const mergeArrays = (arr1, arr2) => {
    return [...arr1, ...arr2]
  1. Write a function called firstLongerThan that finds the first string in an array longer than the given number.

    firstLongerThan(['Ekans', 'Arbok', 'Pikachu', 'Raichu'], 5) // returns "Pikachu"
  1. Tests

    describe('firstLongerThan function', () => {
    it('should find a string in the middle of an array', () => {
    const arr = ['Ekans', 'Arbok', 'Pikachu', 'Raichu']
    const result = fn.firstLongerThan(arr, 5)
    it('should find a string at the end of an array', () => {
    const arr = ['Caterpie', 'Metapod', 'Butterfree']
    const result = fn.firstLongerThan(arr, 9)
    it('should find the first string longer than 0', () => {
    const result = fn.firstLongerThan(['a', 'b', 'c'], 0)
    it('should return undefined', () => {
    const result = fn.firstLongerThan([], 5)
  2. Shape

    const firstLongerThan = (arr, num) => {}
  3. Explanation

    • You are given an array arr and a number num.
    • Use array helper function arr.find() to find the string length bigger than num and return it.
  4. Code

    const firstLongerThan = (arr, num) => {
    return arr.find(e => {
    return e.length > num
  1. Write a function called getReturnValues that takes in an array of functions, and returns an array of values returned by the functions.

    () => {
    return 25
    () => {
    return 29
    () => {
    return 'Pikachu'
    ]) // returns [25, 29, "Pikachu"]
  1. Tests

    describe('getReturnValues function', () => {
    const fn1 = () => {
    return 25
    const fn2 = () => {
    return true
    const fn3 = () => {
    return 'Pikachu'
    const fn4 = () => {
    "I'm function four"
    it('should get 3 return values of various types', () => {
    const result = fn.getReturnValues([fn1, fn2, fn3])
    expect(result).toEqual([25, true, 'Pikachu'])
    it('should return an empty array if no functions', () => {
    const result = fn.getReturnValues([])
    it('should return undefined for functions with no return value', () => {
    const result = fn.getReturnValues([fn4])
  2. Shape

    const getReturnValues = arr => {}
  3. Explanation

    • You are given an array arr.
    • Use function to go through arrays of functions.
      • return by calling each function and storing their output in the new array.
  4. Code

    const getReturnValues = arr => {
    return => {
    return e()
  1. Write a function called zeroSquare that takes in a number, and returns a square two-dimensional array with the input number rows and columns filled with zeros.

    zeroSquare(1) // returns [[0]]
    zeroSquare(2) // returns [[0,0], [0,0]]
    zeroSquare(3) // returns [[0,0,0], [0,0,0], [0,0,0]]

This one won't be able to use the array helper functions we've learned so far—think recursion! Because we're dealing with a multi-dimensional array, your recursive function will need to pass around more than just one iterator or counter variable, and possibly more than one results array.

  1. Tests

    describe('zeroSquare function', () => {
    it('should create a 1x1 array of zeroes', () => {
    const square1 = [[0]]
    it('should create a 1x1 array of zeroes', () => {
    const square2 = [
    [0, 0],
    [0, 0]
    it('should create a 1x1 array of zeroes', () => {
    const square3 = [
    [0, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 0]
    it('should return an empty array for 0 value', () => {
  2. Shape

    const makeRow = num => {}
    const zeroSquare = num => {}
  3. Explanation

    • You are given a number num.
    • We need a helper function makeRow to help us make rows in the 2D array.
    • Inside the helper function makeRow,
      • We need an additional variable to keep track of how many rows to build (let's say i ) which start at 0.
      • We also need an additional variable to build the row array, (let's ray res) which will start with an empty array.
      • When counter i equals number num,
        • return array res.
        • return makeRow()
      • Inside the main function zeroSquare,
        • We need an additional variable to keep track of how many columns to build (let's say i ) which starts at 0.
        • We also need an additional variable to store the columns and rows, (let's ray res) which will start with an empty array.
        • When counter i equals num,
          • return array result.
        • Call makeRow function and pass number num as the argument.
        • Push the result of above step into res.
        • Continue
const makeRow = (num, i = 0, res = []) => {
if (i === num) return res
return makeRow(num, i + 1, res)
const zeroSquare = (num, i = 0, res = []) => {
if (i === num) return res
return zeroSquare(num, i + 1, res)


In the last lesson, you familiarized yourself with HTML, then learned all about arrays. You'll want to have all the array functions at your disposal for this lesson, so go back and make sure you've memorized them before going forward!

If you have any issues solving any of the Preflight questions, please review the questions and solutions. This lesson will rely heavily on the foundations covered in the previous lesson in three parts:

  1. The first part will build on your existing HTML knowledge and introduce you to a couple more element properties.
  2. The second part will teach you what you need to know about objects, a powerful non-primitive data type in JavaScript.
  3. The third part will introduce you to libraries and APIs.

Objects are the last, but most important, data type we'll learn in JavaScript. If the concept is new to you, remember to review frequently. After this lesson, you will have learned everything you need to solve the algorithm section of a coding interview and can start practicing the problems on leetCode. Make sure to follow the 5 steps for each problem!


In JS2 you learned about:

  • The div tag, which we use to group elements on HTML pages
  • Element properties: innerHTML and innerText

In the last lesson you learned about setting an element's onclick attribute to assign a function to run when the user clicks on the element. A downside to this method is that you can only assign one function to each element. Best practice is to run the element's addEventListener function:

addEventListener('eventName', function).

Let's see how our original example from JS1 would look with an event listener:

<button class="submit1">Click Me</button>
const button1 = document.querySelector('.submit1')
button1.addEventListener('click', () => {

The first argument, 'click', is a string event that is supported in the browser. Other events you can add events for include mouseenter , mouseleave, mousemove, and keyup. These events will be covered in further details but if you want to find out other events that the browser supports, do a search for Browser DOM Events

If you struggled with the HTML section in JS2 ( the previous lesson ), please make sure you review / redo them again before starting this section. In the exercise section, try to come up with the steps yourself before coding!

In this section, you will learn one more element and some very important functions that allow us to work with arrays in the browser.



select allows you to build dropdown menus. The choices go inside option elements, which are children of the select element:


If we have an array of strings that we want to use for the options, we can use reduce to generate string tags and then set the innerHTML property of the select:

<select class="selectContainer"></select>
const data = ['Charmander', 'Squirtle', 'Caterpie']
const select = document.querySelector('.selectContainer')
select.innerHTML = data.reduce((acc, e) => {
return (
acc +
}, '')

Browser Functions


When websites send information to each other, the data is always sent and received as strings. So what do you do if you need to send an array across the Internet? You convert it to a string first!

When data (number, boolean, string, array, objects) is converted into a string, the string is called JSON. JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation.

Databases also store data as strings, so if you want to store an array of names into the database sometimes you must convert your data to a string first.

You can turn any JavaScript data into a string with JSON.stringify.

Although JSON is primarily used for working with browsers, you can also follow along with all the below examples in node.

Exceptions: cyclic data, which can happen in non-primitive data types, and functions
// Example of something that will throw error for JSON.stringify
const a = []
a.push(a) // a[0] points to itself
const b = JSON.stringify(a)
// Computer will get stuck trying to stringify a and throw error.
const c = [() => {}]
// Functions cannot be stringified.
// Since c has a function inside, it cannot be stringified.
const arr = [-18, 'Charizard', true]
const strArr = JSON.stringify(arr)
// strArr is '[-18, "Charizard", true]'


If you used the previous function JSON.stringify to convert an array into a string, how do you convert the string back into an array? You use the JSON.parse function. This function takes a string and parses, or interprets it as JavaScript data.

const arr = [-18, 'Peter Parker', true]
const strArr = JSON.stringify(arr)
const newArr = JSON.parse(strArr)
// newArr is an array: [-18, "Peter Parker", true]
const isSame = arr === newArr
// is isSame true or false?
false because they have different addresses.
Because strings are primitive,
when you convert an array into a string,
the address to the array is gone.
When you convert a string into an array,
the computer creates a new array (at a new address).


Let's review how all of this works.

JSON is the string that gets returned by JSON.stringify and the argument you pass into JSON.parse.

JSON.stringify( data ) ——> JSON ——> JSON.parse(JSON) ——> data


LocalStorage lets you store data, like a database in the browser. There are many ways you can make use of LocalStorage when writing a JavaScript program, and you'll get to try a couple of examples in the next Exercise section. Here are the two key functions you'll need to know:


localStorage.setItem is a function that takes in 2 strings.

  • The first string tells the browser which title to give the data
  • The second string is the data to store


localStorage.getItem takes in only a string, the title of the data to retrieve, and returns the data.

LocalStorage Example

Here's a quick UI that lets the user add text to LocalStorage. Save this as an HTML page, try storing some data, then reloading the page and storing more—you'll notice that unlike what we've used to store data so far, the LocalStorage data is persistent across page reloads. (This script logs to the console, so read this to learn how to open your browser's console.)

<input type="text" class="textBox" />
<button class="submit">Store it</button>
const submitButton = document.querySelector(".submit")
const textBox = document.querySelector(".textBox")
// First grab what's already in local storage.
// We use || '[]' to start an array the first time
// because getItem will return null
const lsData = localStorage.getItem('mydata') || '[]'
// Turn string into an array
const dataArray = JSON.parse(lsData)
submitButton.onclick = () => {
// Push the new text into it
// Store it back, turning it into a string on the way
localStorage.setItem('mydata', JSON.stringify(dataArray))
// Then console.log everything stored up till now

To clear your browser's localStorage, open your browser's devolper tools and follow these instructions:

Chrome users

Instead of the Storage tab, you should click on the Applications tab:


Recall how document.querySelector selects the first element it finds that matches its argument. document.querySelectorAll is similar, except it returns an array of all the elements that match the query.

<button class="hello">Hello</button>
<button class="hello">Hola</button>
<button class="hello">Bună ziua</button>
<button class="hello">Aloha</button>
<h1 class="hello">Hi World!</h1>
const hellos = document.querySelectorAll('.hello')
// hellos is an array of length 5:
// [buttonElement, buttonElement, buttonElement, buttonElement, h1Element]
const buttons = document.querySelectorAll('button')
// buttons is an array of length 4:
// [buttonElement, buttonElement, buttonElement, buttonElement]
// To bind an onclick to each button element, simply use forEach
buttons.forEach((button, i) => {
button.onclick = () => {
alert(`This is the button at index ${i}`)


Some of these UI exercises may seem intimidating. When you feel overwhelmed, take a deep breath, think about what you know, and make sure to start with that. When you work as a software engineer, you will have to handle projects that seem really intimidating. In these situations, it is important to think about what you know and understand, then slowly branch out from there piece by piece.

Good engineers spend the majority of their time thinking, not coding. Whether you are working on these exercises, interviewing for a software engineering job, or working on projects, make sure you spend the first half of your allotted time thinking through the problem before actually starting to code.

To see each page in action, click on the link. To view the solution, right-click anywhere on the page and select View Source.

Debugging - If your page is not doing what you want it to do, you can look at the console. This is where the browser will try to tell you what the error is if you've written your code in a way it can't understand. Read this to learn how to open the browser's console.

  1. Create a dynamic select option generator: Type a string into the input box and click the Add button. The string should show up as an option.
  1. Create a h1 , input , button and select HTML tags and select the elements by their class name. If you don't know what some of the tags do, read about them at w3schools and make sure you try them out.
  2. set the button's onclick to be a function that does the following:
    • Grab the value from the input tag.
    • Create a string for option tag and add to existing select element's innerHTML
    • Set the select element's innerHTML to the new combined value
  1. Create a todo list: Click the Add button to add a todo item. It should show up as an h2 element. If you click on a todo item, it should be removed.

Because you'll be keeping the todo items in an array, and changing that array whenever the user marks an item as complete, you'll have to reload the todo list each time a todo item is clicked. Removing an item changes the other items' positions in the array, so you'll also have to remake all the other items' onclick functions. Write a function that does both of these things and make sure it's called when adding or removing an item.


Examples: Try adding and removing several items from various positions on the example page (first item, last item, middle item). The other items should reorder themselves.

Function shape: As mentioned in the hint, we'll need a function to load all the todo items onto the page. This will run whenever an item is added or removed, and has no parameters or return value. The only other function is a quick one to add a new element based on user input. Here are those two, along with a simple HTML template to record and display todo items:

<h1 class="display">TODO LIST</h1>
<input class="newText" type="text" />
<button class="add">Add</button>
<div class="todoList"></div>
const list = document.querySelector('.todoList')
const inputElement = document.querySelector('.newText')
const buttonElement = document.querySelector('.add')
const render = () => {
buttonElement.onclick = () => {

Think: We'll store the todo items in an array and then turn them into h2 elements each time the list is loaded. Each h2 should have an onclick that makes it go away. How do we do that? We haven't learned a way to remove the element directly, but if we remove the item from the array and then refresh the list, that will have the same effect. We could look through the array for the string we're removing, but what if the user had the same item in their todo list twice? We might remove the wrong one. So we'll include each item's current position in its onclick function. This will change every time an item is removed, but that's OK because the onclick functions will be rewritten as well.

Code: Before any of the functions use it, we should initialize the array:

const todos = []

For the render function, there are 2 steps: turn everything into HTML and give them their new onclick attributes. The onclick functions will need to call render again refresh the list.

const render = () => {
list.innerHTML = todos.reduce((acc, e) => {
return acc + `<h2 class="todo">${e}</h2>`
}, '')
const todoElements = document.querySelectorAll('.todo')
todoElements.forEach((e, i) => {
e.onclick = () => {
todos.splice(i, 1)

All that's left is buttonElement's onclick function, which will be called when the user inputs a new todo item. We use unshift to add to the array so that it will start at the top of the list.

buttonElement.onclick = () => {
const newValue = inputElement.value

Test: Add some items and, again, make sure that whether you remove them from the beginning, middle, or end, the other items move correctly.

Right now, our todo list is only good as long as you keep the page open. In the next part, you'll make it a lot more practical.


There are many ways to solve this. Our answer is one way that we feel is more organized. Please take the time to understand the steps.

  1. Create a h1 , input , button and div HTML tags and select the elements by their class name.

  2. We need an array to hold all of the todo items, let's call it todoList

    const todoList = []

  3. Write a function called render that sets the div's innerHTML property to a string of h1 elements from todoList array

    const todoList = ['hello', 'student', 'coder']
    const result = render()
    div 's innerHTML will be set to:
    '<h1 class="todo">hello</h1><h1 class="todo">student</h1><h1 class="todo">coder</h1>'
  4. Run the button's addEventListener property and pass in two arguments: 'click' and a function that:

    • Adds the input value into todoList
    • Run render function
  5. Delete: Update the render function so that after the div's innerHTML property is updated:

    • Get array of .todo elements
    • For each element, add click event listener to each element. When element is clicked:
      • Remove the element (at that index)
      • Run render function

That wasn't too bad, was it? It only takes a few lines of code to implement localStorage. When the page first loads we load existing todo items from localStorage (using localStorage.getItem('todo') || '[]' in case there's nothing there). But we need to update localStorage every time an item is added or removed, because the user could close the page at any time.

  1. Repeat the steps in part 1 of this exercise.
  2. In the render function, add localStorage.setItem to update you list in local storage.
  3. When the page loads, set todoList to JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("storedTasks") || '[]')
    • Notice how we add || '[]'so that if the localStorage is empty(user's first time on the page), we parse an empty array string instead. So todoList is set to an empty array.
  4. Run the render function after you set todoList when the page loads.
  • Part 3: Add a filter functionality: Type a few characters and click on Filter to only see todo items matching what you typed.

    • strings have a .includes() function that takes in a string argument and tells you if the string exists inside the larger string.

      const tropical = 'pineapple'
      tropical.includes('apple') // returns true because "apple" is part of "pineapple"
      tropical.includes('yellow') // returns false because "yellow" is not part of "pineapple"
The new function we had to add here was the Filter button's onclick. We chose to have this function filter the results, and add a parameter to render so it can render just the filtered items. A side effect of doing it this way is that if the user adds or removes an item, the filter goes away. If you wanted to keep the filter when adding and removing, you could create a new variable outside the functions to store the filter text, and then do the actual filtering inside render.
  1. Please follow all the steps in the previous part(part 2) of this exercise.
  2. Create an additional button and input tags and select elements by their class name.
  3. Change render function:
    • Get the value of the filter input.
    • Use filter to get a new array of strings from todoList that has the strings in filter input
    • Generate string from the new Array
  4. Attach a click event listener to the filter button. The function should run the filter function
  1. Create a storybook, a site where you can read a book.
  1. Create a previous button tag, next button tag, a with hr tag, add a div to store individual stories in the UI, hr tag, textarea tag to allow users to write their individual story, another button to submit stories and finally a div to display all the stories.
  2. Create a variable to track a given index. It starts at 0.
  3. Display the first individual story in the first div we created.
  4. Create a render function which allows you to,
    • Empty the div with all stories.
    • Displays the list items into the UI.
    • Items can be deleted when they're clicked upon.
    • Updates the list every time an item is deleted.
  5. Call the render() function.
  6. Attach click event listener to submit button,
    • Updates the list with new user input
    • Call the render() and update the UI with newly added stories.
  7. Attach click event listener to previous button,
    • When index is 0, return alert the user that they have reached at the beginning of the book.
    • Decrement index by 1.
    • Update story div innertext to display the current index of the list.
  8. Attach click event listener to next button,
    • When index has reached to the second to the last element of the list, it returns alert notifying the user that they have reached the end of the book.
    • Increment index by 1.
    • Update story div innertext to display the current index of the list.
  1. Create a Friend Age Notebook, a site to store your friends' ages. Careful, make sure to store name and age separately to make the next part easier.
  1. Create an h1 tag, two input tags for name and age, one div tag to display name and age , and an add button. Select the elements by class name.

  2. Create two different arrays to store input values for name and age. Let's call the arrays storeName and storeAge.

  3. Create a render function. Inside this function,

    • Attach reduce method to the array storeName.

      • Create a variable age inside the reduce method and set it current index of array storeAge.
    • Set the innerHTML of div to :

      <h2 class="displayName">${e}</h2>
      <h3 class="displayAge">${age}</h3>

      If you are having hard time figuring out where e is coming from in the code, then please review the array method reduce and how it works.

  4. Attach addEventListener to add button. It takes in two arguments.

    • Pass in "click" as the first argument.
    • Pass in a function as the second argument.
      • This function grabs the input values and stores them inside the storeName and storeAge arrays.
      • Runs the render function.
  1. Follow and complete all the steps from the previous part before you begin this particular exercise.
  2. When the page loads,
    • JSON.parse both arrays that you have stored in the localStorage.
    • Run the render function.
  3. Update your render function to do:
    • Hide elements from the array storeAge in the UI.
    • Select the h2 element by its class name. (This h2 element was created in the first part of this exercise.)
    • Attach onclick method to each h2 element. This onclick will run the alert function which will display the age.
  4. Add localStorage.setItem to store the updated arrays inside the event listener for the add button.
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